(Adopted October 13, 1980)
- The directors of this society may consist of 24 in number; five to consist of the president, vice president, secretary, financial secretary, and treasurer, to be elected annually as provided by law (six were elected at the first election following the adoption of the article of association; two for one year, two for two years, and two for three years). Directors are now elected for three years.
- The president shall preside at meetings.
- The secretary shall keep a true report of the proceedings of the society and conduct all correspondence.
- The treasurer shall keep all monies of the society and hold the same subject to the order of the society and keep books with accounts of receipts and expenses.
- The directors shall fix the dates of the annual fair and shall have the appointing of judges and assist the president, secretary, and treasurer in making the prize list and other duties as may be required.
- The Board of Directors shall further have the power to make rules governing the annual fair.
- Non-exhibitor member is $5.00 per year.
- No classes shall be added to the open class on the day of the fair.
- The Board of Directors shall have the power to fix the compensation of the officers for services rendered.
- The By-Laws can be amended or changed only by a majority vote of all members present at the annual meeting.
- A majority of the elected directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.
- The secretary shall call a meeting of the directors no later than May 1st of each year for the purpose of fixing the date of the annual fair.
- The secretary shall draw all orders on the treasurer.
- The treasurer shall pay all orders signed by the secretary or the president.
- The society will not be responsible for articles or exhibits in the wrong classes and disqualified by the judges or responsible for injuries sustained on the fair grounds at any time, or exhibits lost, stolen, or damaged.
- The annual meeting of the society shall be held on the second Monday of October.
- If at any time the fair closes, the property shall revert back to Raber Township.
- Any director that misses two consecutive meetings without a legitimate reason may be dismissed from the board. A phone call to the secretary will be sufficient excuse.
- No land or buildings are to be given away, sold, or bartered away unless it pertains to By-Law number 17 without board approval.
- Fair Raffle is conducted under rules of the Michigan Gaming Commission.