Youth Livestock Showing Rules
- All youth department dairy animals over 6 months of age must be dehorned.
- Exhibitors must furnish own bedding hay and food.
- All stalls, pens and walkways must be kept clean at all times. On the last day of the fair, stalls and pens must be cleaned and approved by the department leader or premiums will be forfeited.
- Appropriate dress code will be enforced, and you should be dressed neat and tidy with leather or cowboy boots and no hats.
- Any livestock on the fairgrounds must be shown (exception: any pre-arranged demonstrations).
- No animals will be allowed to run free on the grounds.
- Feeding Times: Animals must be fed before 9:00am each morning and by 7:00pm each evening.
- Entry Forms: All exhibitors should pre-register their livestock before the start of the fair (see Youth Livestock Pre-Registration Form on the following page) and must officially register all of their livestock on entry day.
- Ages for showing are the age of the exhibitor on January 1st of the fair year. Ages 6 to 19 for showing Sheep and Dairy (ages 6 to 8 must show a Junior Heifer Calf). Ages 8 to 19 for Beef Breeding. Ages 6 to 19 for Poultry, Rabbits, Goats, and Sheep.
- There will be Pee Wee classes for youth 3 to 5 years of age by January 1st of the fair year. These classes are: rabbits, goats, poultry, sheep, and costume class. A parent or legal guardian must accompany the youth in the show ring. These classes will be placed but will receive no premiums. All youth will receive a participation ribbon.
- The fair board reserves the right to reject exhibitors from the following years fair due to:
- 1)Unruly behavior.
2)Failure to cooperate with the Superintendents and Judges.
3)Any other reason the Fair Board determines in its discretion to be inappropriate.
4)All Fair Board decisions are Final.
- 1)Unruly behavior.
- Statement of Animal Care: The Stalwart Fair is a showplace for animal agriculture for the county. All animals and livestock shown, housed, or displayed shall receive care that is humane, healthful and consistent with accepted practices. Professional veterinary care will be provided at the expense of the owner/exhibitor. Animals experiencing illness of discomfort will be given proper care. Exhibitors must notify the Superintendent if they feel there animal is ill.
- The Fair Management will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the animal exhibited or for any articles which may be lost or stolen.
- TB Testing: All beef, dairy, and goats on the grounds must originate from a herd that has had the required whole herd test. A copy of the test must accompany all animals to the fair. All animals must have an official identification tag in its ear upon arrival.
- All sheep being shown must have an official USDA individual tag in its ear upon arrival.
- Pullorum Testing: All poultry except waterfowl, pigeons, and doves must have a negative whole flock Pullorum-Typhoid test within 90 days of the show or be tested individually on the day of entry at the fair.
- Poultry-Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) vaccinated birds will not be allowed on the fairgrounds.
- The exhibitor must have possession of all breeding stock within 30 days of the start of the fair.
- All cattle being exhibited must be double tied (Halter and Neck Tie).
- All animals are required to stay on the grounds as space allows.
- Barn space is on a first come first serve basis according to the order of pre-registrations received.