Rules and Regulations
1.All exhibits are to be left in charge of the committee until 4:00pm Saturday local time or forfeit the prizes on the exhibit.
2.Any exhibits not entered in its proper class will be disqualified from receiving a prize, and the fair board will not be responsible if exhibits are not entered properly.
3.No exhibit can be entered in more than one class (except special prizes or sweepstakes). Horses may be entered single and also as one of a team in the class in which they are entered. Ponies and light horses may enter in halter and saddle classes by paying an extra fee of $2.00 for the second class.
4.No exhibitors can enter more than one exhibit in any one section of a class.
5.Exhibitors must secure their admission ticket before they can be admitted to the grounds free. Entry receipts are good for only one person.
6.No person will be allowed near the judges during the inspection of the exhibits (except those whose duty it is to wait on the judges).
7.Judging in all classes will begin promptly at 8:00am of the second day. Exhibits placed after that hour will be disqualified. Exhibitors shall place their exhibit during the first day if possible. Watchmen are on guard throughout the night.
8.Any person desiring to rent concessions or stands (i.e. ice cream, hot dogs, lunches, peanut stands, etc.) shall make application to the president of the society or secretary, not later than the first day of the fair. No games of chance or gambling will be allowed on the grounds.
9.The society or any member of the board of directors will not be responsible for lack of funds on hand.
10.If, through adverse circumstances, funds on hand are not enough to pay premiums in full, then each one will be paid pro-rate to the amount of money on hand. Every exhibition is shown under this provision.
11.The society will not assume any responsibility for any accident of any nature which may occur on the premises at any time.
12.Ribbons and rosettes will be awarded for all places as listed for each class unless otherwise specified.
13.If in the opinion of the superintendent and judge the exhibit is not worthy, no premium will be awarded.
14.Only horses paying an entry fee for exhibition, racing, and pulling are to be on the grounds during the days of the fair. Horses are to be ridden on the fairgrounds only when being shown or racing. An exercise area will be designated and may be used only during the exercise hours. This is for the public’s safety and will be enforced. Proof of current year’s negative Coggins is required for all horses on the fairgrounds. Coggins will be checked upon arrival. No horses are allowed on the grounds before 1pm on Thursday. No horses are allowed in the back ballfield camping area.
15.In the opinion of the superintendent, if any exhibitor does not keep his animal fed and stall cleaned, he will forfeit all prize monies.
16.Canadians pay American money at par on all entries.
17.All campers pay a fee of $30.00 regardless of length of stay. All adult and student campers will need to purchase gate buttons for $5 each. Gate buttons give campers admission to the grounds for the duration of the fair.
18.The Stalwart Fair does not drug test 4-H livestock and will have no animals for slaughter.
19.No livestock will be allowed to be unloaded off the trailers until they have been inspected by the department leader and cleared to enter the barn.
20.All livestock must enter between 5 - 8 pm. Paperwork may be filled out earlier but no animals will be unloaded and placed in the barns until 5:00 pm. This includes rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, beef, & dairy.
21.A formal protest by an exhibitor not satisfied with awarding of premiums may be made, by filing with the directors in writing, stating their cause of complaint within 10 days of the close of the fair. Action will be taken by the protest committee, which consists of the director of that department and the fair officers. If a decision cannot be made the protest will be taken to the fair board. All parties shall be given an opportunity to tell their side before a decision is made. If the exhibitor is not satisfied with the decision, the exhibitor has 45 days from the date that the complaint was filed with the fair to file an appeal with the Department of Agriculture. The department has 60 days to investigate the appeal and issue a report on the findings. A $25.00 fee is charged to file a complaint with the fair board.
An exhibitor may file a complaint for any of the following reasons:
1.Conflict of interest of the judge.
2.Disqualification of an exhibit or exhibitor.
3.Exhibitor, group leader, or superintendent’s behavior.
4.Eligibility of the exhibit.
2.Any exhibits not entered in its proper class will be disqualified from receiving a prize, and the fair board will not be responsible if exhibits are not entered properly.
3.No exhibit can be entered in more than one class (except special prizes or sweepstakes). Horses may be entered single and also as one of a team in the class in which they are entered. Ponies and light horses may enter in halter and saddle classes by paying an extra fee of $2.00 for the second class.
4.No exhibitors can enter more than one exhibit in any one section of a class.
5.Exhibitors must secure their admission ticket before they can be admitted to the grounds free. Entry receipts are good for only one person.
6.No person will be allowed near the judges during the inspection of the exhibits (except those whose duty it is to wait on the judges).
7.Judging in all classes will begin promptly at 8:00am of the second day. Exhibits placed after that hour will be disqualified. Exhibitors shall place their exhibit during the first day if possible. Watchmen are on guard throughout the night.
8.Any person desiring to rent concessions or stands (i.e. ice cream, hot dogs, lunches, peanut stands, etc.) shall make application to the president of the society or secretary, not later than the first day of the fair. No games of chance or gambling will be allowed on the grounds.
9.The society or any member of the board of directors will not be responsible for lack of funds on hand.
10.If, through adverse circumstances, funds on hand are not enough to pay premiums in full, then each one will be paid pro-rate to the amount of money on hand. Every exhibition is shown under this provision.
11.The society will not assume any responsibility for any accident of any nature which may occur on the premises at any time.
12.Ribbons and rosettes will be awarded for all places as listed for each class unless otherwise specified.
13.If in the opinion of the superintendent and judge the exhibit is not worthy, no premium will be awarded.
14.Only horses paying an entry fee for exhibition, racing, and pulling are to be on the grounds during the days of the fair. Horses are to be ridden on the fairgrounds only when being shown or racing. An exercise area will be designated and may be used only during the exercise hours. This is for the public’s safety and will be enforced. Proof of current year’s negative Coggins is required for all horses on the fairgrounds. Coggins will be checked upon arrival. No horses are allowed on the grounds before 1pm on Thursday. No horses are allowed in the back ballfield camping area.
15.In the opinion of the superintendent, if any exhibitor does not keep his animal fed and stall cleaned, he will forfeit all prize monies.
16.Canadians pay American money at par on all entries.
17.All campers pay a fee of $30.00 regardless of length of stay. All adult and student campers will need to purchase gate buttons for $5 each. Gate buttons give campers admission to the grounds for the duration of the fair.
18.The Stalwart Fair does not drug test 4-H livestock and will have no animals for slaughter.
19.No livestock will be allowed to be unloaded off the trailers until they have been inspected by the department leader and cleared to enter the barn.
20.All livestock must enter between 5 - 8 pm. Paperwork may be filled out earlier but no animals will be unloaded and placed in the barns until 5:00 pm. This includes rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, beef, & dairy.
21.A formal protest by an exhibitor not satisfied with awarding of premiums may be made, by filing with the directors in writing, stating their cause of complaint within 10 days of the close of the fair. Action will be taken by the protest committee, which consists of the director of that department and the fair officers. If a decision cannot be made the protest will be taken to the fair board. All parties shall be given an opportunity to tell their side before a decision is made. If the exhibitor is not satisfied with the decision, the exhibitor has 45 days from the date that the complaint was filed with the fair to file an appeal with the Department of Agriculture. The department has 60 days to investigate the appeal and issue a report on the findings. A $25.00 fee is charged to file a complaint with the fair board.
An exhibitor may file a complaint for any of the following reasons:
1.Conflict of interest of the judge.
2.Disqualification of an exhibit or exhibitor.
3.Exhibitor, group leader, or superintendent’s behavior.
4.Eligibility of the exhibit.